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Posts Tagged ‘travel agent’

Be An Educated Traveler or Why You Don’t Book With The Big Box Store

Monday, February 1st, 2021 | BLOG | No Comments

I am totally amazed at people who really think that “discount” stores are the best places to book travel. Apparently, these people are not educated consumers so let me try to help.

As a travel professional for more than 45 years and the owner of an independent travel agency, I can assure you that most travel professionals work very hard to stay abreast of the latest travel information up to and including destinations, airlines, hotels and resorts and they have hundreds of travel suppliers that they partner with, including local destination specialists. They also sometimes have connections that travel sites do not have.

Travel professionals attend travel expos and conventions, although they are virtual at this time. The amount of knowledge they possess is phenomenal. Most true travel professional also really travel to visit destinations and resorts for personal experience giving them a worth that you will never get from a discount booking service or online booking engine. It is imperative that to better serve our clients, we stay educated.

We are your advocate in case of any emergencies as well. Many people do not purchase travel protection and risk losing thousands of dollars. Even if you have not purchased travel protection, in some cases, your travel agent can still get refunds for non-refundable reservations. Your on-line boking service will not do that for you nor will your big box stores.

I can also tell you that if you save any money at all by booking with a discount company, it will be very little and remember, that cheap is not the best for anything you purchase. They are simply booking engines, not travel professionals. They have zero travel experience or knowledge of destinations and no local destination contacts.

Keep this in mind when you are booking travel. It never hurts to use the “cheap” sites to explore and look over resorts, etc., because that is one thing that makes you educated.

And please remember that it is also good to support local businesses especially during these difficult times when Covid is shutting down so many small business.

You wonder why I am posting this? Because I see so many people who have no idea what a travel professional can offer, suggesting other means of booking travel. And don’t forget the amount of time they can save you. If you have questions or comments, I am happy to address them if you would like to message me.

Author: Cindy Rainwater
Owner of International Accents Travel

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3 Reasons Why Travel Agents Are Still in Demand

Wednesday, July 20th, 2016 | BLOG | No Comments

travel agent
Here are the top three reasons while travel agents are still in demand:

  1. Expert Advice

Travel agents are industry trained professionals who are experts at navigating through the options and asking the right questions to ensure their clients find the right vacation.  Their expert recommendations are the kinds of details that take a vacation from good, to incredible. Not to mention they are typically seasoned travelers and travel enthusiasts who can share their experiences and tips for destinations around the globe. This knowledge allows them to make educated recommendations based on their clients’ needs to design the perfect holiday experience they’ve been daydreaming about.

  1. Best Value

A key benefit of working with a travel agent is that not only are they often able to secure better fares but they also add value to your vacation. They can save you hours of stressful research and review reading by asking you a few simple questions about what kind of vacation you’re looking for and guiding you in the right direction with their industry knowledge. In addition, our clients often receive other exclusive extras like bonus onboard cash credits, room upgrades, reduced deposits and more!

  1. Personal Relationship

Working with a travel agent brings back the human component of sales that is rare today providing an opportunity for our vacation consultants to get to know their customers and build a relationship where they can provide them with the best service for their needs. Our vacation consultants take pride in making dream vacations come true for travelers in their community and being right here in your neighborhood allows them to connect with you on a more personal agent sunglasses


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